Shin Chan Chocolates.

Find the nth term.

Shinchan ate 5 chocolates on day 1, 10 on day 2 and 15 on day 3.

Can you find how much did he eat on day 12?


Now here we can see that the nth term formed for the following pattern is 5n.

So now if I want to find out the number of chocolates he ate on the 12th day.

I will put 12 in the place of n.

5n = 5 x 12 = 60 chocolates.

F1 Racing.

Find the nth term.

Michael Schumacher completed 2 laps in the first minute, 4 laps in the second.

How many laps did he finish after 40 mins?


Now here we can see that the nth term formed for the following pattern is 2n.

So after 40 mins, the number of laps will be 2n

2n = 2 x 40 = 80.

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