Writing with Both Hands!
The results of a survey done about the dominant hands of 8 people are shown below.
Set R, shown below, were dominant with Right Hand.
R = {Swamy, Rahim, Satveer, Daniel, Aditya}
Set L, shown below, were dominant with Left Hand.
L = {Vivian, Eddie, Swamy, Satveer, Rob}

Represent them as a Venn Diagram.
We have 2 sets here and we have to represent them as Venn Diagrams.
So, the first thing that we need to do is, draw a Sets in a Venn Diagram.
Venn Diagrams. Of 2 sets.
Intersecting sets are represented by overlapping circles.

Draw a Rectangle, that encloses the set.
Draw a Circle/Ellipse for each of the set with elements in it.