Motion occurs when an object changes its position.
Motion is the change in position of an object with respect to the observer.
Translatory Motion
Translatory motion is that in which all the particles move through the same distance in the same time.
There are two main types of translatory mo-tion:
Rectillinear Motion

In rectilinear motion, the body moves in a straight line.
Curvillinear Motion

In curvilinear motion, the body moves along a curved line.
Rotatory Motion
Rotatory motion is that in which a body moves about a fixed axis without changing its position.
Oscillatory Motion
Oscillatory motion is a back and forth repetitive motion.
Motion is a state of a moving body. The measure of motion (i.e., how fast/slow a ·body moves) is called speed.
Uniform Motion
A body is said to have uniform motion when it travels equal distances in equal intervals of time. A body moving with uniform speed is said to be in uniform motion.
Non-Uniform Motion
A body is said to have non-uniform motion when it travels unequal distances in equal intervals of time. A body moving with variable speed is said to be in non-uniform mo-tion.
Uniform Motion
Marching is an exmaple of uniform motion where equal distances are covered in equal intervals of time.
Non Uniform Motion
When a train halts at a station it covers lesser and lesser (different intervals of) distance in equal intervals of time.