Name One. Name Many.

Nouns are words used to name people, places, things, and animals.
The dog in this picture is named Max.
'Dog' is the name used for this animal. So, the word 'dog' is a noun.

Now here, we see Max the dog.
But he is not alone.
He has another dog friend with him.
So, we see two dogs.
One and More.

When we were talking about Max, we used the noun dog. 'Dog' is a singular noun. It used used to talk about one animal and one animal only - Max the dog.
But when we spoke about Max and his friend, we used the noun dogs. 'Dogs' is a plural noun. It is used to talk about more than one animal of a particular kind. Both Max and his friend are dogs.
We added an -s to the spelling of 'dog'. By doing this, we made the singular noun 'dog', into the plural noun 'dogs'.
Most nouns are made plural by adding an -s or -es to the end of the singular noun.
Let's watch a fun video to identify a few more examples.
One minion gets ready to punch his opponent.
He is wearing boxing gloves.

One of the colored nouns is plural, while the other is singular.
Can you tell which is which?

Let's look at more examples!
I have a costume that fits me.
I have a backpack and a snack too.
The nouns 'costume', 'backpack', and 'snack' are all singular nouns.
There is only one of each of them.
I have many suits.
There are lots of apples in my basket.
My dog gave birth to 6 puppies.
The nouns 'suits', 'apples', and 'puppies' are all plural nouns.
There are more than one of each of them.