Present Continous.
The eagle is flying.
This means: It is flying now, at the time of speaking.

This is the present continous tense:
I am driving.
He/she/it is driving.
We/they/you are driving.
We use the present continous when we talk about something that is happening at the time of speaking. Let's look at an example:
They are playing great music.

More examples of Present Continous
We also use the present continous when we talk about something that is happening around the time of speaking, but not necessarily at the exact time of speaking.
For example:
1. Maria is studying English at a language school.
2. Tom and Anne are having coffee in a cafe. Tom says, "I'm reading an interesting book. I'll lend it to you when I've finished it."
We use the present continous when we talk about a period around the present. Like today, this week, this season.
For example:
1. You're working hard today.
2. Messi isn't playing this season. He is injured.

We use the present continous when we talk about changing situations.
For example:
1. The ice mountains are melting fast.