Simple Past.
Look, it's raining again! It rained all day yesterday too.

Rained is the simple past tense:
We use the simple past to talk about actions or situations in the past.
Here are some examples of simple past:
1. I watched a great movie last Sunday.
2. I enjoyed the party very much.
More examples of Simple Past
Very often, simple past ends in -ed:
For example:
1. She studied very hard for her exam.
2. Messi scored 3 goals in that match.

But many important verbs are irregular. This means that the simple past does not end in -ed.
For example:
1. I went to Italy last vacation.
2. This bike cost Rs.5000 in 1990.

The past of the verb be (am/is/are) is was/were.
I/she/he/it was
We/you/they were
In simple past questions and negatives, we use did/didn't + the base verb:
For example:
1. Did you go to the movie last night?
2. We didn't invite her to the party. So she didn't come.