Uncountable Nouns.
Nouns can be countable or uncountable. Uncountable nouns are things we cannot count.
water, blood, music, excitement

We cannot place a number before them. They cannot be converted to plurals.
You cannot say 'musics', or 'waters', or 'excitements'.
Usage of Uncountable Nouns.
Before uncountable nouns, you can use the/some/any/much/this/his etc.
For example: the music, some gold, his blood.
But you cannot use a/an before an uncountable noun. You cannot say 'a music', or 'an excitement', or 'a water'.
You can also use uncountable nouns alone, with no article.
For example:
1. Blood is red.
2. Captain America's shield is made of steel.

Countable as well as Uncountable.
Many nouns can be used as countable, or as uncountable nouns. Usually there is a difference in meaning.
For example:
1. I bought a paper. ( = a newspaper. countable)
I bought some paper. ( = material for writing. uncountable)
1. There's a hair in my soup. ( = a single hair. countable)
She has beautiful hair. ( = hair on the head. uncountable)